::RECAP:: Mint Condition
Photos by Nocturnal Charm
Take some classically-created soul, stir in elements of rock, pop and jazz, and top it off with a generous helping of old-school funk and you have the flavorful recipe of musical gumbo that Mint Condition fed to fans at Baltimore’s Sound Stage last Thursday night, and no one left unsatisfied.

While the quintet has always enjoyed a loyal following from the 35-and-older crowd, there were several younger listeners in the building to witness how the self-contained band manages to remain a powerhouse in the fickle music industry.
In just over an hour and a half, Mint Condition took fans through a mesmerizing mix of proven classics ("U Send Me Swingin'," "So Fine," "You Don't Have to Hurt No More") and newer favorites from their latest album 7 released on Shanachie Records, such as the show opener, “Can’t Get Away” and the 2008 break-up anthem, "Nothing Left To Say," which proved to be a crowd favorite as they jumped to their feet and sang along.

In the midst of heart-felt ballads and up-tempo jams, the band partook in some monster jam sessions. It may have been a surprise for some of the newer fans to witness live instrumentation and experience the effortless, unspoken chemistry at work right before their eyes, but even the seasoned fans in their midst were awestruck when Stokley and drummer Brandon Commodore battled each other on the percussions, and keyboardist Jeffrey played a phenomenal, pitch perfect solo on the saxophone.

Another highlight of the night was the band’s musical journey through a medley of funk staples like "Atomic Dog" and "Soul Power" before Stokley initiated a compelling (and at times, borderline insane) call-and-response session of croons, growls and scats. Stokely thanked the crowd for coming out, and exited stage right; but fans stood in anticipation of an encore, chanting “MC” loud and harmoniously. Suffice it to say, the band gave the people what they wanted.
"Pretty Brown Eyes," easily the most anticipated song of the evening, was the encore, but it was revitalized with a Prince-like intro before segueing into its signature groove, reminding all in attendance of how far they'd come as a band while, simultaneously, acknowledging how much farther they can still go; A perfect ending to an exemplary show.

For more information on Mint Condition follow them at http://www.mintconditionmusic.com and @mcondition
To view more photos from the show by Nocturnal Charm click HERE
That show was so awesome! Wish the show would have never ended.
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