First off, if you came here for insight on Bilal (Oliver) - this isn't him, but we enjoy your company just the same so please, stick around!
Bilal Salaam, a former backup singer for Raheem DeVaughn and one-third of the musical trio Crossrhodes with Raheem Devaughn and W. Ellington Felton (and is currently working with OP Swamp 81), performed at Teavolve tonight in a short intimate set. And I literally mean short. Like, literally it was over before it started short. Kind of like when you listen to an artist's sample cd and just when you start to like a song the 45 second preview is over!
Yes. That was Bilal Salaam's set tonight! He sang 4 songs and that was it. I guess the 4th was basically a gift of sorts because after song number 3 he began to set the mic down, a sign that HE was done, and the crowd just looked around in confusion. "Why is this sooooo short?!" seemed to be the question on EVERYONE'S mind!The crowd began to demand "encore! encore!" and I'm thinking "Um...encore? Your set just started 10 minutes ago! You BETTER sing another song" (Besides I had just gotten my hot off the press Belgian waffle and needed some background music as I ate!)
Bilal Salaam's let his talent show as he performed his final song from his solo project {Free Association}, which is a remake of songs by the Beatles, Bjork and The Beastie Boys. Now whether that was a good song to close on…probably not - simply because it left us wanting M O R E! We were left hanging and soon as his encore began it was soon done.
And all he had to say was "That's it" as he looked around awkwardly and walked off. [[ insert awkward silence and scattered applause ]]
Let me back track to the very beginning. He began by singing a song that D'Angelo has done - Devil's Pie - followed by 2 original songs - Its Over and Little Black Girl. The second song definitely got the crowd into the mood with the call and response - (Bilal) "Its over" (crowd) "It ain't over!" Everyone appeared to be really into the show and the energy filled the venue!
Not once did it hit me that he didn't have a live band tonight until someone asked after the first song, "Did he just make his own beat?" Yep! He sure did. He had his own production equipment step up and everything! I mean he was literally sitting there and pressing the buttons to create the background vocals and music. Definitely...different. A one man show, no dj, no PHYSICAL background singer, no band but he definitely had the vocals!
To be honest, I don't know what he did to get his mind right before the show, and I'm not making any accusations but there is most certainly something INTERESTING about Bilal Salaam. Saying that he was "in the zone" is a complete understatement. His demeanor came off somewhat dull and his facial expressions seemed stuck - literally - elsewhere.
Is calling his personality weird, too much? I got a chance to ask someone what they thought after speaking with him and their reply was simply, "umm.. he's artistically and spiritually in tuned". clue what that means! How about I just "he has a unique artistic aura". Yeah, that sounds right. Make sure you add emphasis on unique!
Maybe he had some of this tonight...pre-show treats! yum...
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