::RECAP:: Brian McKnight LIVE
Post and photos by Nocturnal Charm

One of R+B’s last true balladeers; Brian Mcknight, graced the Wells Fargo Main Stage at last weekends’ Artscape in Midtown Baltimore. More known recently for his ultra-racey and equally controversial, how-to tune, “Let Me Show You..”, Brian reminded the crowd through song that though he’s trying to grab a new generation, he still hasn’t lost the chops that’ve made him one of the best singer/songwriter/composers of the last 50 years. Forever the ladies man, he had the female contingent eating out the palm of his hands as they rushed the stage at first sight of him. Nearing 50, McKnight no longer sports the same innocent school boy looks that he had when he made his TV debut on BET’s Video Soul with the seminal, “One More Cry”.
These days his face is a little fuller, and his body’s a lil thicker but along with the physical maturity has come a swagger and stage presence that his younger counterparts haven’t quite seemed to grasp yet. Where they grind and gyrate, he glides and stares; never allowing any theatrics to upstage the true star, the music.
He ran through nearly 20
years of hits ranging from the Marvin Gaye-ish, “Shoulda Been Loving You”, the iconic, “On The Down Low” and even breaking out an acoustic guitar for the Morrissey
remake, “Crazy Love”. In a crowd mixed with both young and mature
faces, the commonality was a deep appreciation of Brian and his incredible catalog. While “Let me Show You...” is clearly an attempt to garner attention in an
over-saturated R+B market, Artscapes’ main stage crowd, showed McKnight that
while the song IS marginally entertaining.. It was a ploy for attention that
was unnecessary. Because simply put… he
never lost it.
For more photos by Nocturnal Charm scroll down and click HERE.
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