February 23rd was a looooooooooooooooong day but it ended with the performance of one of my favorite (and I mean FAVORITE) singers, N'Dambi.
YES, Im biased! I have been in love with N'Dambi's music since college and the release of Little Lost Girls Blues but with good reason I have followed and growth with her music through the years. She is as good and genuine as they come. Everything about her is beautiful: her personality, her physical, her voice, her interaction with those who admire her music... So its no wonder that after a crazy day I sought solace at Eden's Lounge to hear N'Dambi feature at Organic Soul.
The thing that is always a treat for me when I see N'Dambi perform is viewing the new people who have never heard her. I get to see them fall in love with her and the music that had been void in their life....too dramatic you think? You should have seen the LONG line to buy her cd....
With an acoustic set consisting of a guitar to back her up N'Dambi did a couple of my favorites from her new and critically acclaimed album Pink Elephant. Starting off with the albums first song L.I.E. she warmed the audience up. Next she spread inspiration with Nobody Jones and encouraged black love with We Got What It Takes (she said it was inspired by President and First Lady Obama) she ended the night with the hot single from the album Can't Hardly Wait, a funky song that most ladies can relate to dealing with a relationship you're not done with yet, but you cant wait for your heart to let go.
N'DAmbi & Gypsy
Truly it doesn't matter if you have the best voice the world has ever heard, if you don't have the personable spirit of someone like N'Dambi you will quickly fall from grace. It's a pleasure to see someone with such talent and character getting their music to the world!
If you haven't picked up Pink Elephant do it today! Support great artists with great music and a great spirit (thankfully this seems to be the current trend of music labels)!
Flyer by Daria Johnson, Photos by Stevie Soul
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