Do you have your RED on?
Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts — everyday women are dying at the rate of almost one per minute. Speak up. Make a difference. Show your support for the fight against heart disease in women by wearing red. It’s an easy, powerful way to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
National Wear Red Day is TODAY Feb. 5, 2010. But it takes just one person to start Wear Red Day on ANY day of the year. Let that person be you! Consider organizing a Wear Red Day at your workplace, with your faith-based organization, at your community center or even in your own home. Speak up. Inspire your friends, neighbors, coworkers and family members to show their support for the fight against heart disease!
For more information please visit
Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts — everyday women are dying at the rate of almost one per minute. Speak up. Make a difference. Show your support for the fight against heart disease in women by wearing red. It’s an easy, powerful way to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
National Wear Red Day is TODAY Feb. 5, 2010. But it takes just one person to start Wear Red Day on ANY day of the year. Let that person be you! Consider organizing a Wear Red Day at your workplace, with your faith-based organization, at your community center or even in your own home. Speak up. Inspire your friends, neighbors, coworkers and family members to show their support for the fight against heart disease!
For more information please visit
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