But before I get to the main act you KNOW we got to talk about
the openers!!
Up first : HEZEKIAH
If you don't know about him, then this is DEFINITELY another one that you need to check out
I had the pleasure of interviewing him after his performance last night. You had to remind me that I just met him that day because talking to him sooo easy like we went way back!
With Philadelphia serving as his hometown, Hez sang in the choir growing up and performed in his Uncle's band. But when did he know that performing was really for him? "Break dancing during plays in school. I can't really remember what play it was. Probably the Wizard of Oz"
Break dancing during the Wizard of Oz? That must have been one interesting play! So why didn't we see anything of that on stage?! "I'm too old for that!" Hezekiah laughed. Right, this 20-something just had gallons of energy on stage and now he's talking about old!? "I have no shame in my age. Record labels wanted to me lie about my age but I feel that age is a blessing from God so why lie about it" Hez stated.
So how old is he? 36. Believe it or not. I choose not too! He
esn't look a day over 26!
But I digress, Hezekiah's cd, I Predict a Riot, is one you should get your hands on! (I'm listening to it myself) Those deep into hiphop might describ
e him as a m
ore "soulful Lupe" but there's just about his horn section, Me So Horny, that make his sound exquisitely unique!
Throw rock, hiphop, soul, jazz into a blender and top it off with funk and you have
Hezekiah. A perfect opening act and future headliner.
Call me nosey but I like finding out what artists might have in thei
r cd players er
.... excuse me on their Ipods...so I asked; "System of a Down, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Gnarls Barkley".
And if you want to see more of Hez's rock side, you need to talk to his alter ego, Johnny Popcorn and check out his album Conscience Porn due out later this year.
"Johnny Popcorn is the raw, uncensored, funky, rocks ide of Hezekiah" and it was apparent by the way his face seemed to light up, that it is a side of him that he thoroughly enjoys!
After Hez we had to endure Skarr-Akarr...i think. And he might be from Baltimore but regardless, looking around the room, no one was feeling them.
The whole room just stood still looking at them {insert the sound of crickets} sigh...this was definitely a repeat of the openers at the Talib Kweli concert
The last song they performed, Scholarship Girl, now I heard that on the radio and its gets all of us "independent, college educated girls" into the song but....snore...WHERE'S MOS DEF?!
It was a first for me seeing him in concert and he is truly a man who loves to perform!
One of the major front men for "conscience hiphop" did not disappoint last night as he took the stage performing songs from his Blackstar album with Talib Kweli, True Magic, The New Danger and gave the crowd a sneak peek of unreleased song.
His set includedPass the Duchie, The Rape Over, Body Rock, Undeniable, Rock n Roll, Champion... look, simply put ...he put on a SHOW!

When we had arrived at the concert, we thought we were in the back of the line, but it turned out to be the front (go figure) so we able to get right in front of the stage (hence the pictures) and when I mean we were RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM I mean, I was one of the screaming girls who got to touch his!! (blush)
It was really a war between the guys and girls in the crowd last night, both sexes fighting over what song we wanted him to perform "Ms. Fat Booty" and "U R the One" but of course he made EVERYONE happy by the end of the night!
Oh, and who knew that Mos liked Baltimore club music?!
He ended the night with Travelin' Man and I must say {cue Boyz II Men music} "it sooo haaaard to saaay goodbyyyeeee..."
If you haven't seen Mos Def in person - ADD IT TO YOUR BUCKET LIST!!! (you know...like the movie..?)
Tonight, Kimberly Nichole (www.myspace.com/kimberlynicholemusic) will be at Eden's Lounge for The Appetizer brought to you by Gypsy Soul. Doors open @ 7pm the show starts at 8!
I have no problem with you living vicariously through my musical adventures buts its twice as fun checking them out in person!
I was there too...
Def agree w/ this write up. Hezekiah was dope (buying CD now), second dude sucked (why was he basically DJ'ing other people's songs on HIS set?), and mos was...well, mos.
Def enjoyed it. My back is killing me from standing up so long, but it's all good, lol.
MOS really knows how to perform he had the place rocking from the time he went on till the time he left. That was one of the best concerts I've been to in a while. But Joe E you are so right that 2nd guy was wack but i did get Hezekiah's cd after the show
And to the creator of this blog
2 thumbs up !!
Gotta come back (a minute later) to ask...
Do you know the name of the song Mos came out to?
It was reggae of some sort...The Wire was playing in the background when it came on.
I've been looking for that thing all over the place and have had no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
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