Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gypsy Soul contributor Shani Elliot caught up with Jay Hayden before his performance in Annapolis last week. You know this guy has to be good in order to have Alison Carney and J Hill sign back up for him! See below for the conversation and get familiar with this new face on the scene!

Photos by Edith Williams & Diamond Digital Portraits
Thank you to Frank

Shani Elliot & Jay Hayden

Shani: We’re down here with Jay Hayden at Ram’s Head Live in Annapolis, about to open up for Kindred the Family Soul. How are you, Jay?

Jay Hayden: I’m doing great! How are you?

Shani: I’m doing wonderful. So, Jay, you have a new cd out?

Jay Hayden: I have a project out called Love Counseling. My current single is called “Nowhere”, it’s been featured on the Billboard at #98. The album is doing very good. I’m number one in Japan, in underground R&B, and I hit #2 in London in the underground world. Basically, I’m out here grinding like other underground artists. I’m a producer, songwriter, singer, I have a novel coming out, entitled Love Counseling: The Novel . It basically is a back drop of the album, you can actually play the album and get a feel to what the novel is about.

Jay Hayden performing at Rams Head

Shani: Ok, so the record Love Counseling sounds like a nice story line. So, the cd is the musical version, that goes along with the novel?

Jay Hayden: Yes, yes. Love Counseling was inspired by the experiences that I have dealt with in my personal relationships and my life. Also the elders around me, seeing other people go through things, what I basically did was capture that and put it on the album. Other people, who have not experienced these things, can actually get an essence of what is going on. They can know what’s to come down the road if they are in a similar situation. Or if someone is going through it, it can help them through it.

Alison Carney & J Hill performing background

Shani: Ok. So, you’re a singer, songwriter, producer, and author?

Jay Hayden: Yes, and I missed actor. I have a movie I’m co-starring in, we are pushing for 2011 release. It is entitled The Talented, it’s an Indie film.

Shani: Is it based out of D.C. as well?

Jay Hayden: Yes, it’s based out of D.C.

Shani: Who is the director?

Jay Hayden performing at Rams Head

Jay Hayden: The director is Marcus Richardson. He brought me aboard. I auditioned for the part and he loved what he saw. So, now I am trying to tap into all elements of entertainment and keep the ball moving.

Shani: You are very multi-talented. If you had to pick just one of your talents to pursue, which one would you choose and why?

Jay Hayden: Music production. I started composing music at the age of five, before I was a singer or songwriter. Poetry came later, then songwriting. Being behind the scene, just making the magic and the creative process of the whole thing is what I love the most out the industry. I do love singing too, but if I had to choose one, it definitely would be production.

Shani: Are you a musician as well?

Jay Hayden: I play piano and acoustic guitar.

Shani: So, how many songs are on Love Counseling?

Jay Hayden: There are 16 songs on the project. It’s a very good cd, it’s solid. A lot of people who buy it say that they usually hear one or two songs that inspire them, like a hit song, but on my album they enjoy listening from beginning to end. I put a lot of time into the it, you can find Love Counseling at jworldrecords.com. It’s available on ITunes, CDBaby, Rhapsody, Amazon, it’s there.

Shani: Can fans reach you on the social media sites?

Jay Hayden: Yes, I am @jayhayden on twitter and on Facebook/JayHaydenMusic. You can access this information by visiting www.jworldrecords.com

Shani & Jay Haden


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