Hal Linton The Future of Music PART I The Introduction

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tall, slim and Bajan, with an imagination that allowed Cupid to get a gun (I mean dude has been incapacitating people with arrows for centuries, how the hell he pass a background check?) and a musical maturity that leads me to believe that he has been touched by the same ancient muse whose sweet nothings influenced the art of Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye, and The Contours among just a few others....with much pleasure and amusement I would like to introduce you to one of BET's Rising Icons, Hal Linton.

Once again, I am truly impressed by the caliber of artist that UniversalMotown is supporting. Not only is the talent amazing but the amount of cultural diversity is commendable and should be noted. Maybe some record execs have "returned from the future" and realized that the demand for good, relevant, substantive music is rapidly growing...coincidentally Return From The Future is the name of Hal Lintons upcoming album... and hopefully a preview the industry's artistic state.

I had heard the name Hal Linton in whispers but took quick notice when the area UniversalMotown rep, Jay, told me Hal would be in town performing at the NCNW's Black Family Reunion on September 12th.

I hit Myspace and began to listen to the music...how did I miss this? The more I listened the more excited I became! The questions started swirling, I wanted to know the person behind the music. You may think Im overly excited, but come on people! In today's world it is so refreshing to keep being reassured that there are more and more artists willing to have imaginations, use creativity, and be bold enough to offer musical red pills!

On Saturday the 12th I was given the awesome privileged of having a lunch at Bus Boys & Poets in DC with Hal, Jay and Hal's amazingly on point manager Teneille (yeah Ive met some not so on point managers smh). Over a plate of sweet potato fries and mussels I rapped to Teneille about her experience and the process of working AND growing with Hal. Both being from Barbados, Teneille had a huge part in creating an opportunity for Hal's musical career to grow and for the island country to pioneer a program that would recognize music as a national export creating "Invest Barbados". This program was instrumental in the initial touring and promotion of Hal in the United States. We talked about plans that she has in the works and believe me if she can get a COUNTRY to back her artists, I have no doubt that big other things are about to fall in line!

For someone with so much musical energy (even his slower songs has so much depth) while we ate Hal was very laid back and relaxed. Before we headed out I was able to get a few smiles out of him as we chatted lightly. I learned that Hal had a big hand in writing and producing his soon to be released album Return From the Future and worked with notable producer Salaam Remi as well as some others. I divulged to him that I was enamored with piano keys and strings and "Abandoned Heart" was one of my favorite tracks. Umm humm I was able to get a smile out of him when he told me he played the keys on that particular song. So not only can he strum a guitar and sing but, he can tickle the ivory too...he has quickly moved up a couple of spots on my list of favorite musicians. After some serious culinary consumption we headed out and I hopped in the car with Hal. On the way to the stage we found time to continue getting to know him better.

Two of the biggest things that caused the most laughter and smiles...Souljah Boy & Janelle Mone! But we'll get into that in part two!

We finally made it to the stage and when Hal began to play I swear the sun began to come out on that dreary day... I lie not! With just his guitar Hal played 3 songs, the last being Marvin Gaye's "Whats Going On" and as he crooned to the audience the sun began to emerge from the clouds... Im convinced that his music will emerge and shine on the industry just like the sun did as he performed...

Thats one cool brother.

Part II coming soon...THE CAR RIDE

Hal and I at The Black Family Reunion


{ MissTheda.com } at: September 18, 2009 at 7:49 AM said...

Thanks for your post on Hal. Feel free to use this music widget for your part 2 post

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