Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When I first heard that Steve Harvey had a relationship book for women I thought, like most people, "how is funny man Steve Harvey going to help me!?" But once I got my hands on the book, I definitely wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

Now, as a personal disclaimer, I'm not on the prowl for my husband - to - be, but there's no harm in getting an insider's look at the complexities of a man!

Steve Harvey didn't do it all on his own. He enlisted the help of relationship expert Denene Miller and several informal focus groups of men and women with relationship experience to gather their opinions. He also references segments from his Steve Harvey Morning Show, in which mostly female callers would call in with common relationship issues.

Overall, the book gives a good insight as to how a man truly thinks, acts and feels [according to Steve Harvey], and I honestly took most of it to heart. Why? Because Steve Harvey and my dad are about the same age, and a lot of what he was saying in the book are a lot of the same things my dad used to tell me as a teenage, and I would roll my eyes and suck my teeth, acting like I don't care.

But after experiencing relationships of my own, talking with my girlfriends, and reading this book, you begin to realize that you're not the only one going through the trials and tribulations that comes with a relationship.

When it comes to breaking down the title of the book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man... in a nutshell, Steve Harvey is explaining how a self-respecting women should maintain herself - establishing standards, understanding how he truly feels/thinks about you before getting in too deep, and coming with some type of "90 day rule" to actually know what he's about before you just go on and give him your cookie!

As far as the "Think like a man" part - he gives a good insight as to what drives men - truly understanding their motivation. Men are constantly being judged based upon who they are, what they do and how much they make - all this affects their mood.

Honestly, the first 2 sections of the book - "The Mind Set of a Man" and "Why do Men do What They Do?" where the most interesting to me. Now, I'm not saying that Steve Harvey has all the answers to the behaviors of all the billions of men in the world, but he certainly gave a few "ah ha!" moments as I compared situations in his book to my real life drama.

The book is certainly not a revolutionary breakthrough, and its not going to solve all your relationship woes just by reading it. It's different type of relationship book not written by a complicated doctor, but rather a man who has been there, done that, seen it and bought the tee-shirt, and is simply trying to convey lighthearted advice to the billions of females out there. That man just happens to be Steve Harvey. And the book happens to be pretty good!


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